Solving Driver Problem for OnePlus 6T under Fastboot Mode

Under the fastboot, Oneplus 6T cannot be recognized by the Windows 10 even with official driver installed. The solution is simple: after connecting the phone that is in the fastboot with PC, open Windows Update and click view all optional updates. There’s a driver called Google, Inc. – Other hardware – Android Bootloader Interface. Installing this driver solves the problem.

[MAST10005] 1. The Language of Mathematics

This is a note collection for MAST10005 (Calculus 1) from the University of Melbourne.

1.1 Mathematical Statements

  • Mathematical Statement: a sentence or expression that is unambiguously true of false.
    • e.g. let p be the statement1+1=3, p is an valid statement. p is false.
    • counter case: f(x) is continuous is not a M.S. without further information.
  • Conjunction: true for p and q. (let p and q be M.S.) Denoted as p \wedge q
  • Disjunction: true for p or q. (let p and q be M.S.) Denoted as p \vee q
  • Negation: true for not p. (let p be M.S.) Denoted as ~ p
  • Condition: let D be a set. Condition is a statement that is true or false depending on the choice of x \in D. Denoted with notation p(x).
    • e.g. Consider x \in N. Let p(x) be the condition “x is even”
  • Existential Quantifier: Let D be a set and p(x) be a condition over D. When at least onex \in D such that p(x) is true we say “there exists x \in D such that p(x)”. Denoted as \exists x \in D \; p(x)
  • Universal Quantifier: Let D be a set and p(x) be a condition over D. When p(x) is true for every x \in D we say “for all x \in D p(x)”. Denoted as \forall x \in D \; p(x)
  • Set of Numbers:
    • \mathbb{N} set of natural numbers. {1, 2, 3, 4, …}
    • \mathbb{Z} set of integers.
    • \mathbb{Q} set of rational numbers
    • \mathbb{R} set of real numbers
  • Set: A collection of unique objects.
    • e.g. {0, 0, 0, 1, 2, 7, 9} = {0, 1, 2, 7, 9}
    • Let A and B be sets. A and B are equal when every element of A is an element of B and every element of B is an element of A. Denoted A = B
  • Expressing Sets: Let D be set and let p(x) be a condition over D. The set of elements of D for which p(x) is true is denoted {x \in D | p(x)} (set-builder notation)
  • Subset: Let A and B be sets. When every element of A is an element of B, A is a subset of B. Denoted A \sqsubseteq B
  • Union: Let A and B be subsets of a set U. Union of A and B is the set of elements that are in at least one of A and B. Denoted A \cup B. That is: x \in A \cup B \; if \; and \; only \; if \; x \in A \; or \; x \in B
  • Intersection: Let A and B be subsets of a set U. Intersection of A and B is the set of elements that are both in A and B. Denoted A \cap B. That is: A \cap B = \{x \in A \cup B | x \in A \; and \; x \in B\}
  • Empty Set: \emptyset = \{\}
  • Cartesian Product: Let A and B be sets. Cartesian product of A and B is the set of all poosible ordered pairs we can build using elements of A as the first element and elements of B as the second element. Denoted as A \times B = \{(a, b)|a \in A, b \in B\}
    • e.g. \{0,1\} \times \{u,v,w\} = \{(0,u),(0,v),(0,w),(1,u),(1,v),(1,w)\}
  • Function: A function f consists of:
    • A nonempty set A called the domain of f;
    • A nonempty set B called the codomain of f;
    • A subset of AxB such that each element of A appears as the first element in exactly one ordered pair.
    • f with domain A and codomain B is denoted as f:A \longrightarrow B
    • The image of a under f is given by the notation f(a)
  • Range: Let A and B be sets and let f:A \longrightarrow B. The range of f is the set of values the function takes. Formally:
    • range(f) = \{b \in B \; | \; there \; exists \; a \in B \; such \; that \; f(a) = b\}
    • range(f) = \{f(a) \; | \; a \in A\}
  • Image: Let A and B be sets and let f:A \longrightarrow B. Let S be a subset of A. Image of S under f is the set
    • f(S) = \{ b \in B \; | \; there \; exists \; s \in S \; such \; that \; f(s) = b \}
    • f(S) = \{ f(s) \; | \; s \in S \}
    • Image is generalisation of range.
  • Function: Let A be a subset of R. Letf : A \longrightarrow \mathbb{R} and g : A \longrightarrow \mathbb{R}. Define following functions with codomain equal to R:
    • (f+g)(x)=f(x)+g(x)
    • (f-g)(x)=f(x)-g(x)
    • (fg)(x)=f(x)*g(x)
    • (f/g)(x)=f(x)/g(x)
    • Domain for f+g, f-g and fg is set A. Domain for f/g is set \{ a \in A \; | \; g(a) \neq 0 \}

为”不兼容”的设备安装Windows Subsystem for Android








下载完成后先去Microsoft Store更新电脑安装的所有应用,完成后双击安装Microsoft.UI.Xaml。

最后以管理员运行终端,输入 Add-AppxPackage WSA文件路径 ,回车即可安装。WSA文件路径为以msixbundle结尾的WSA安装文件

Zuk Z2 Plus 退出FFBM模式

今天不小心使手中的Zuk z2进入了FFBM模式,怎样操作都无法退出。搜寻一番后找到如下解决方案:

  • 同时按住音量+/音量-/电源键
  • 待手机震动后松开电源键
  • 继续按住两个音量键,直到菜单出现
  • 选择进入bootloader,然后选择重启





最后尝试把980ti插到第二条pcie x16槽(速度是x8的)上,问题解决,可以正常开机了。

这下真相大白,原来这980ti只能运行在pcie x8的速度下…那为什么之前多插一张470就能运行了呢?查阅主板参数后发现,当x8的槽插入东西时,x16的槽自动降速为x8,所以980ti才能正常工作…

解决Windows 10卡任务栏小图标/窗口控件




此时便会恢复正常,但考虑到可能有系统文件损坏。修复损坏文件:以管理员运行Powershell后输入 Sfc /scannow 即可。


尝试在Windows 10下使用SkyAR更换天空





安装Python3, Anaconda:


  • pytorch 使用conda安装,11.0是cuda的版本: conda install pytorch torchvision torchaudio cudatoolkit=11.0 -c pytorch
  • numpy 只能安装1.19.3,否则会报错: pip3 install numpy==1.19.3
  • 不装opencv-python,只装opencv-contrib-python: pip3 install opencv-contrib-python

安装完成后执行 python .\ --path .\config\config-canyon-district9ship.json 即可看到效果。


Ubuntu 20.04编译安装Deepin深度显卡驱动管理器



sudo apt install cmake qttools5-dev-tools qtbase5-dev freeglut3-dev libdtkwidget-dev libpci-dev 


cmake -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX:PATH=/usr .. # Install to /usr
make # Add -jx for parallel


sudo make install
sudo systemctl daemon-reload # refresh systemd
sudo systemctl enable driver-installer.service # enable installer service
sudo systemctl start driver-installer.service # start installer service


sudo deepin-graphics-driver-manager

OpenWRT小米路由器Mini – 不支持所上传的文件格式请确认选择的文件无误



Device xiaomi,miwifi-mini not supported by this image
Supported devices: miwifi-mini
Image check ‘fwtool_check_image’ failed.


将46行的device="$(cat /tmp/sysinfo/board_name)"修改为device="miwifi-mini"即可。